Huntsville Stars vs Chattanooga Lookouts in Southern League AA Playoff

Huntsville Stars Chattanooga LookoutsThe Huntsville Stars started the series with a win against the Lookouts in Chattanooga. Game 2 is tonight in Chattanooga. The series moves to Huntsville, Alabama on Saturday.

Karen and I have tickets for both Saturday and Sunday’s games. I kind of hope we get to see two games in the series, but you shouldn’t hope for a team to lose.

– Brian Allen

Knoxville Brewers' Jam is around the corner

I hope that you have marked your calendars for October 14th, because that is when you need to be in Knoxville for the Brewers' Jam.

If you need more information, you should drop an email to Kris Lutz at or call her at 865-522-1604. And, tell her that I sent you.

Community Share puts on this great event to raise money for all of their wonderfull services that they provide the area. So, you can feel good that you are helping out the community.

For 20 bucks, you can try as much of the beer as you like. At the gate, it will cost you $25, but how bad is that?

You will want to bring chairs or a blanket to seat on while enjoying the music and beer.

Still hanging out in Colorado Springs

Well, it looks like I may be spending Labor Day Weekend in Colorado Springs. My work travel has been prolonged.

I have been working the night shift and it is getting old. I am writing this from work, now.

I am hoping that we get a few days off this weekend so I can get out and have some fun.

Karen Completed the Hike to Barr Camp

Karen Allen on Barr TrailKaren and I hiked to Barr Camp on the Barr Trail. The Barr Trail starts in Manitou Springs, Colorado and ends on Pikes Peak Mountain with Barr Camp sitting about half way to the top.

The weather was great for the hike. The temperature was cool with an almost clear skys. A light breeze was blowing.

Karen Allen and Brian Allen at Barr CampKaren pushed hard to make the camp. She was a real trooper on the 12+ mile hike. I think the worst part of the hike is down, because of the pounding on your joints.

Karen is already talking about making the hike to the top of Pikes Peaks.

Winter Warlock Release

 Cp Upload Warlock Logo Small 1Karen and I headed over to the release of this year's Winter Warlock from Bristol Brewing Company.

Winter Warlock is an oatmeal stout that tastes great.  It is only available during the winter months so you should stock up, now.

Karen and I had a blast at the release.  The tap room was packed, but we had seats at the bar.  Russell Noel was working the taps and keeping everyone happy.  A good spread of food was for the taking.

Happy 40th Birthday

40 Well, I hit the big four oh! Karen came out to Colorado Springs to help celebrate.

We had a great time with friends from work joining us at the Blue Star restaurant and Bristol Brewing Company.

Bristol Brewing

Bristol Brewing CompanyI am kicking back at Bristol Brewing in Colorado Springs. You just can't beat this place. Bob Archibald is working the taps in the tap room. They have the 2 bucks for any Edge City (EC) beer deal running tonight. I have had the EC Oktoberfest, EC Pale Bock, and EC English Mild, but more are to come.

Mike Bristol (the owner) is here talking to the patrons.

The WiFi is fast so you have your “after workers” here doing the net stuff. Me being one.

Everyone is coming in filling their jugs (growlers) to have beer supplies for the week. Some have required kegs, but we all have our needs.

Off to Colorado Springs

Well, my work has me travelling back to Colorado Springs just in time to celebrate my 40th birthday. I think I my spend my birthday at the Bristol Brewery and the Blue Star Restaurant.

I have hopes to hiking up to Barr Camp on this trip. I have hiked it before, but this time Karen wants to try to make it all the way, too.

An Evening with Larry Woellhart

Larry WoellhartMy sister has been in town for the first three weeks of August.  And, we wanted to go out one time before she left Huntsville, Alabama.  Karen and I knew our friend Larry Woellhart would be performing down at Kenny Mango’s Coffee Shop so we all went for a wonderful evening of folk rock.  Larry was great as usual.  Kenny’s drinks were great as well.  You can check out Larry upcoming schedules here.

To see all of the photos click here.