Westar Christmas Party

Karen and I will enjoying her company's Christmas Party. It is great chance to win super prizes. They will be giving away 12 pairs of airplane tickets. And, much much more!

We have only won small prizes in the past. One individual won airlines ticket two years in a row. You can't beat that for good luck.

This is second year of the Westar parties, because Westar purchased Karen old company, which was Elmco. The company has grown, but they are learning how to be a large company slowly.

– Brian Allen

Running with Nike+Kit

 Prodimages 44 C1371Ab8-3C97-49F0-98Ca-Dd6C7D7Bdee4I have been running again since this summer. So, Karen gave me a Nike+Kit for my birthday in August. I don’t have Nike+ shoes, but that is not a problem. The device works great with the pouch that Karen made for the sensor.

I have only one complaint about the device and associated software. If your iPod needs to be reset, you will lose all of your runs from your iPod. The online site will still have the runs, but your totals in iTunes and on the iPod will only be for your runs after the reset. You can backup the iPod’s hidden files to save the data, but it is not a perfect solution.

Another Tips: Pressing the center button on the iPod while running will mark your speed and distance, which will be reported with your run. The standard is to only report every mile and at the half way point. I use this feature to check my speed during key parts of my course.

Great Food Tonight @ Blue Star in Colorado Springs

I stopped by the Blue Star in Colorado Springs for dinner tonight.


The food was super. I had the almond rosemary crusted salmon with honey worchestershire sauce, which had a crisp top from the time under the broiler. The only problem with the dish was that the vegetables went under the broiler, too. Think blacken vegetables, but I didn’t want vegetables. I was looking for fish and it was great!

I had a Belgian Wit Beer, which went well with the fish. A Wit beer is a Belgian style wheat beer. Where “Wit” means white from the light color of the wheat beer has. If you are having fish, you should think of wheat beers when you are looking for a beer to go with your meal.

– Brian Allen

Il Vicino Stops On-site Brewing in Colorado Springs

Il Vicino has removing all of its brewing equipment from its Colorado Springs location. The brewing has been out sourced to Bristol Brewing Company, which is located only 16 block away on the same street.

This situation is good and bad. Il Vicino's brewer is now selling real-estate, which is a bummer. But, Bristol knows how to handling contract brewing and they make a consistent product.

I have always enjoyed Il Vicino's beers. The variety has declined over the years. At one time, I had heard that Il Vicino only had part-time brewer until this recent one.

A new era for Il Vicino.

Heading to Wonderful Colorado Springs

My work will be taking me back to Colorado Springs, soon. I just hope the weather is good. I heard they are recoving from 2 feet of snow!

I will have to take my camera to capture some snow pictures while I am out hiking.

I hope to stop by the Bristol Brewing for a cold beer and Pikes Perk for coffee, but not on the same day.

Back from Disney World's International Food and Wine Festival

Karen and I just got back from a wonderful vacation to Disney World. It was our first vacation as Disney Vacation Club (DVC) members. Being a DVC member made the vacation extra fun.

We stayed at Disney's Saratoga Springs, which is our home resort. We had a beautiful view of Disney Downtown.

The only bummer is Karen got a blister on both pinky toes.

I will be posting pictures soon at www.brianallen.com

– Brian Allen