3rd Annual Firkin Rendezvous

FirkinsI got lucky and was in town for the 3rd Annual Firkin Rendezvous, which was held at Bristol Brewing Company in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Firkin is a term that means 1/4 and is the name of the keg that is a 1/4 of barrel.  This kind of keg is typically used for a Cask Ale, which is the feature of this great event.

I was introduced to Mike Bristol during the event.  He has glad to see that people from Huntsville, Alabama were enjoying the benefit.  I indicated that I try to visit for brewery any time I am in Colorado Springs.

We they had great selection of beer from all around Colorado including Hercules Double IPA from Great Divide Brewing, Double Diff Strong Belgian Wit from Ska Brewing, Churchyard Strong Scotch Ale from Wynkoop Brewing, Blueberry Wheat from Durango Brewing, and any others.  I was glad to see Bristol even had their XXX Warlock Double Imperial Stout on hand.

Moving to Colorado Springs May Be Easier

Karen said it this morning. I am heading back to Colorado Springs. But, the weather is going to be better on this trip.

Our system is still crashing so we are heading back to show a good effort on our part. And, you never know maybe we will get it fixed. It is getting hopeless.

I am scheduled to be out here until next Friday. But, Karen heads out of town when I get back, which I think will be good for her.

Karen is pregnant!!

BABY_3Karen and I are going to have a baby girl come around June 22nd!  Our families about freaked out over the news.  They are all excited and providing advice on everything from names to what to expect.

You will be able to keep track of the progress on our baby web page, which you can find here: http://www.katiebeth.info/.

We have posted ultrasound movies and pictures.

We are still working on a name.  (It is amazing how hard it is to pick a name!)


Returning Home

I am heading back to Huntsville, Alabama. Hopefully, I have completed my work in Colorado Springs, but I already have travel setup for Wednesday so that I can return.

I am bringing home some beer for my dad, which I hope he will enjoy. I sure enjoyed it.

Beer and Football

Bristol Brewing Company Super Bowl XLI Well, I am heading over to Bristol Brewing Company to watch the Super Bowl and enjoy a pork platter along with cold microbrew.

You just can't beat a good time like that can you?

Snowing in Colorado Springs

Snow in Colorado Springs
Well, I am still in Colorado Springs. The weather is very wintery and it looks like I am not going home anytime soon.


It is nice to have the snow, but I wish I had more clothes for the 9° F that it is outside right now.

Travel Coming to a End (Maybe)

I am here. I hope to be here soon. I have been working too much on this trip. I hope that I have completed the task that I came here to do, soon.

I am ready get home to see the SuperBowl commercials.

The weather went cold and snowy today. The low is going to be 5°, which is way to cold for me. By Friday, the high temperature will only be 15°. Aagh!

XXX Warlock Double Imperial Stout

Well, I made to the release of XXX Warlock Double Imperial Stout at Bristol Brewery. I arrived at Bristol at 9 PM, which is closing time, but Russell Noel indicated they were still pouring.

I had Russell poured me up one of the XXX Warlock Double Imperial Stout. They pour you 4 oz glass, which is good given it is 18.4 ABV. Wow! It tastes great. The flavors remind me of port wine or brady.

I decided to purchase a six pack to take back to my dad's house so that he could try, too.

They only made about 40 case according to what I believe I was told.