We are flying down to Walt Disney World.
Katie Beth is sitting with mommy on the plane and she has already gone to sleep.
What's happening in my world…
Karen and I are taking Katie Beth to Walt Disney World for her first time. We are looking forward to all of it. We have been learning about taking a baby on an airplane. We have called Disney to learn about baby equipment that you can request for your Disney Vacation Club room.
Everyone keeps telling us that we should be taking Katie Beth into the parks, but we haven’t planned to do that because we are not sure what she would do in the parks. But, my sister, Hope Jones, has indicated the Magic Kingdom would be wonderful for Katie Beth. Many of the rides have no height, weight, or age requirements. She thinks now is the right time, because it would get Katie Beth comfortable with rides so that she will not be scared when she is older. Hope also thinks seeing the Disney characters now would help with Katie Beth being not scared when she is older. Allison Tofflemire thinks we should take Katie Beth at least in the early morning to the Magic Kingdom to the Meets and Greets that takes place in front of the castle. I think Karen is thinking about a day or two in the parks. I think it would be fun riding the rides with Katie Beth.
You will be able to follow the action on my blog where I will be sending short photo updates via Flickr.
It normally happens, but I didn't expect this degree of shopping. While Karen is packing, she generally decides that she needs clothes for a trip. This is why we have the shopping phase of packing.
But, I think this trip has driven the need into overdrive. I think Karen is up to 4 or 5 new outfits. (We are only going for 6 days.) You should understand that I don't have a problem with this phase, because I enjoy the fruits of her effort. I just think it is funny.
She has gone shopping for the last three days. At least the shopping will stop on Friday, because the trip starts on Saturday.
Yes, the packing has started as early as last week. This is serious given Katie Beth will be traveling via airplane for the first time. We have yet to get her to carry her own luggage, but we are working on it. Also, we are learning the issues with taking a baby on a plane. Karen would like to take a bottle of milk, but we have heard that it can be an issue. But, breast feeding on the plane would not be the best for Karen or Katie Beth.
We are taking Katie Beth to Walt Disney World, but we are not going into the parks. We think Katie Beth should be a little older before we take her into the parks.
We will be pool hopping for the first time on this trip. “Pool Hopping” you ask? Well, it is when you go to other resorts use their pool. Each resort has a different set of pools and themes, which makes it fun.
Karen celebrated her first Mother’s Day today. Katie Beth made Karen a plaster hand print, which Karen is holding in the picture below.
Katie Beth is holding the M&M candies that I had made for Karen. They have “Karen’s Day” and “Mother’s Day” printed on them.
Katie Beth and Karen Showing Off Mother’s Day Stuff
Well, the Alabama Senate keep dragging their feet throughout the day trying to get the Food Tax Bill back on track at the expense of every other bill.
Senator Smitherman was filibustering every bill. The Democrats were requiring every bill to be read at length and full rolls called on the votes.
Free The Hops has bill HB196, the Gourmet Beer Bill, which is in the senate for approval. The bill was pulled from last night's calendar, because of all the issues in the senate.
So, the bill is on the schedule for Monday, May 19th. We need your support in getting this bill passed.
Next Monday, May 19th, the bill will be before the Alabama Senate, which will seek to allow Gourmet Beers in Alabama.
The bill only changes the law to allow beers to be treated in a similar manner as wine.
If you could, please contact your senator to tell them that you support the Gourmet Beer Bill, HB196. An email or quick phone call is all that I ask.
You can find your senator here: www.legislature.state.al.us. Simply enter your ZIP code in the box on the left hand side of the page to find out who your Senator is, then please call them about HB196, the Gourmet Beer Bill. A call is easy, because most representatives have a receptionist that take down your request and your done.
Thanks for your help,
Brian Allen
Technorati Tags: HB196, Alabama, Legislature
Well, today I am sitting hear listening the Alabama Senate Audio feed. It is hard to believe that we pay these people.
The group can have one person stop the whole process and that is what we are dealing with presently.
Smitherman had started filibustering every bill. With this being the last day, it will kill every bill. During this whole session, the senators have been fighting each and have not passed any bills until these last couple of days.
It looks like these actions will kill the Gourmet Beer Bill.
Any of the Free The Hops members are listening to the feed with me. It is killing us to hear this crap.
The latest issue is the Food Tax Bill. The bill is associated with removing the state sells tax on food while removing to exemption of Federal taxes from Alabama tax. It is basically a shift in taxes from the very poor to everyone else.
More to come…
Technorati Tags: Alabama, HB196, Legislature
It is hard to believe, but I have been working the same job for 10 years. This is the longest ever that I have worked on a single project or company for that matter.
It is contract work, and the contract has been going on for 10 year as of today, April 30th.
The company that I work for is throwing a party for everyone. It should be a blast given it will be at The Nook, which is a great place for beer.
Today, the Huntsville Stars let you in for half price and you can drop your business card into the hat for a chance at an outing for 20 people to a future Huntsville Stars game.
Any reason to skip out on work for baseball and beer sounds like a good thing.
The ball game starts at 12:05, but it has been move up to 11:05 due to last night’s game being rained out.
Technorati Tags: Huntsville Stars, Baseball
We arrived early around 10 o'clock. We took Katie Beth down the logging road in the backpack carrier and learned that the land down the way had been sold. We turned back and walked further down Willis Chapel road to see what is to been seen. We found a field of tall grass and flowers. We took some good pictures of Katie Beth in the flowers and grass.
Everyone started arriving around 11:45.
The weather was good with rain on the way down, but no rain while we were at Willis Chapel.
We gave Aaron Moore his birthday gift. He turns 16 on April 30th. We gave him wallet and Guardian Angel. The Guardian Angel is something that you put on your sun visor to remind to drive safely.
Katie Beth loved playing in the rocks in the parking area.