Karen’s New Do

Karen's New DoShe got some blond highlights in her hair today. It looks good.

Normally, Karen’s hair goes blond, but she has not been in the sun much lately. So, if not nature, why not chimicals!

Huntsville Stars vs Diamond Jaxx

Huntsville Stars lost the “Playoff for the Playoffs”.

The Diamond Jaxx win with a score of 5 to 1. Hopefully, the Huntsville Stars will do better in the second half of the season.

Karen & Katie Beth at Huntsville Stars

Tonight is the final game of the first half of season. This game decides whether the Huntsville Stars or Diamond Jaxx goes to the playoffs. Both teams are playing great.

Presently, the Diamond Jaxx are leading 3 to 1 in the top of the sixth inning.

Brian’s First Father’s Day

First Fathers DayWe celebrated my first Father’s Day with a trip to the pool and hosted dinner for my father on our deck.




Katie Beth got me this card:

First Father's Day Card

In the picture at the top of the page, you can see the t-shirt that Katie Beth and Karen made me with Katie Beth’s hand prints.

Everyone had a great time at the pool.  Katie Beth got to wear her bikini so she could work on her tan.  (Don’t worry we are covering her with SPF 60 or higher.)

Pool Time with Dad

You can see more of the pictures here: http://www.theallens.info/photos/

Don’t forget the username and password of “friends” and “photos”.

Dinner was great, too.

Rogue Promotional Items and More

Rogue Nation - Rise Up

The Rogue Brewery representative stopped in my dad's bar this week. The representative had promotional items include stickers, t-shirts, information cards, and more. But, I had to get one of these items. I will let you figure out what it is.

It works, because I drank some Rogue beers.

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