Back in Colorado Springs

Hiking in Colorado

We are back in Colorado Springs for my work.  Karen did a lot of shopping for this trip.  She pickup this outfit for Katie Beth to wear.  The boot are from Katie Beth’s Aunt Faith.

We spend a lot time in the room during many evenings so we have picked up some second hand toys to make Katie Beth feel at home.

Karen keeps Katie Beth well entertained throughout the day.

Karen learned that the downtown library has many play/learning area for Katie Beth’s age.  She took me to see what they had including a bunny.

Check back for more updates.

Katie Beth’s New Outfit

Katie Beth's New OutfitKatie Beth is outside the Antlers Hilton in one of her new outfits that Karen bought for the trip. Katie Beth is also wearing her pink boots that her Aunt Faith gave her for her 1st birthday.

Everyone loves the outfit.

Hanging Out in Colorado Springs

We are settling into our long stay in Colorado Springs. I even picked up a microwave from a thrift store for 10 bucks, because this hotel doesn’t have room microwaves. Our room refrigerator is fill with supplies.

I hope that we have a good time on this trip.

Scooter Fun

Scooter FunKatie Beth has learned how to use a scooter. And, how to play on the scooter.

We turned once and she was standing on this scooter. Yes, standing all the way up.

Kenny Mango's Coffee Shop

If you are looking for a new coffee shop, I would like to suggest Kenny Mango’s Coffee Shop on Hughes Road in Madison, Alabama.

You can find them here

Kenny Mango’s Coffee
97 Hughes Rd # A
Madison, AL 35758
(256) 461-6388‎

I stop by in the morning on the way into work and I have always enjoyed the coffee. I typically get a Monkey size café latte with an extra shot and sometimes a flavor like chocolate added. There is nothing like 4 shots to get you going in the morning.

Some weekend events, you will find musical entertainment at Kenny, which can be nice.

Tickets Purchased, Rooms Booked, and Plans Made

We are heading back to Colorado Springs for my work for two more trips during the next months. I am looking forward to it. (Karen may or may not by the end of it all.)

But, we are still wanting to handle the needs from the last trip like having a highchair and microwave in the room for Karen to use.

Our first trip will be via airplane and the second will be via train. Weee!

Taking A Break

Taking A BreakIt is tough playing so hard. Katie Beth was having a blast on all of the playground equipment during the Monte Sano Art Show. She went down the slides all by herself including climbing up to the slide and going down.