
ChristmasKatie Beth’s enjoyed her toys Christmas morning. You can see the tents/maze in this photo.

Even our cat, Carpet, is liking the tents/maze.  She has run through it numerous times this morning.  The only problem is that it fills our den as you can see.

Karen made a great Christmas meal.   We had organic green beans, which were very good.  But first we started with a green bean incident.  Our Turducken
I opened some Allen brand Italian green beans only to find the can was empty of green beans and full of water and small pieces of green beans. We had mashed sweet potatoes topped with brown sugar, pecans, and marshmallows.

Our main course was a wonderful turducken, which you can see here.


Christmas Tree and Katie BethWe have had a busy year with travel, a growing little girl, and much more.  It is good to be home and celebrating Christmas.

We have hosted Karen’s family in our home this past weekend.  My sisters have come into town for the holidays.  We are expecting my brother and his children and grand children.

Katie Beth is old enough to understand Christmas gifts better.  She loves being around people and especially little people.  Hope’s children will enjoy playing with her.  My brother’s daughter should be in town over the holiday with her daughter, Baylie, which will be fun, too.

I had not expected to enjoy this Christmas, but I am truly enjoying it.

Our Train Trip is Over

Making a SnowmanWe are back home after long trip to Colorado Springs for my work.  My work was on FTG-05, which was a missile test.  You can see more about it here.

You can see our journey on my blog here.  Here are some high lights:

  • I tracked our trip on our Garmin 60CSx GPS and you can see our route here.
  • We got to try out our new video camera.  You can see samples here with more to come.
  • Karen got to make a snowman, which you can see here.
  • Katie Beth was given a gift a knitted hat, which you can see here.

The only bummers is that we were always fighting off sickness during the trip.

train scheduletrain ticket 2
train ticket

Sick & Shopping

We are home still recovering from our sicknesses and trying to catch up on our shopping.

Karen has a new illness which has her in bed. Hopefully, she will start improving soon.

I am shopping with Katie Beth. We are heading home to make lunch and put Katie Beth down for a nap. I picked up some chicken broth for Karen.

Rolling into Memphis

Our train is near the outer parts of Memphis. Katie Beth is still sleeping.

We see the lighted bridges that span the Mississippi River.

Thompson River in Iowa

We are traveling just east of Afton, Iowa and we pasted over the Thompson river, which is almost frozen.

Katie Beth is sleeping. Karen is reading “The Main Corpse” by Daine Mott Davidson. I’m blogging.

Katie Beth and I are still sick. My head feels like it could pop.  Relief needs to come soon or I could be jumping from the train.