Fixing Web Site

You may or may not know that I use Macs. Some time ago, I switched to using Apple’s iWeb to develop my web site as it allows for easy posting of photos to the Internet.

My site is large on the order of 1GB. Well, the file/database of the site got corrupted. Apple is looking at my actual file to see if they can fix it, but I have stopped waiting for their help. (They may have a fix in future software update, but I can’t stopped updating my web site to wait for it.)

Well, I have completely rebuilt my web site from scratch. Painful is an understatement, but I am now in the process of uploading the results. It should look generally the same, but a few parts were dropped. After I confirm the site is working and iWeb is happy, I will have many more updates as I have been holding back updates.

Another Day of Fun

Linda and Ellice Johnson stopped in for visit today while they are in town from Santa Barbara. We had a great time catching up. We shared lunch from Thomas Bar-B-Q and we went to my dad’s bar, The Nook, since they had not seen it.

Later in the day, Karen, Katie Beth, and I went to the pool. Katie Beth had fun spraying the deck with the water hose. Karen got to sit and read her book.

What a busy day!

The Nook is on Facebook

The Nook has a Facebook page. If you become a fan of The Nook, you will get updates about what is going on at The Nook.

You can comment, post pictures, and even suggest beers. I think you can even review The Nook.

Weekend of Swimming

We spent most of the weekend swimming. Katie Beth had a blast. I get a kick out of watching her play in the water.

Over the next few weeks, we are going to have to get serious about her swimming skills, because she has lost many of her abilities from last summer. Last summer, she held her breath when asked to do so. Now, she will laugh her way into the deep water and keep laughing as she goes under.

I hope to get her in the pool during the week when there are fewer people (less children) to distract her. We need to work on her holding her breath and floating. We will start with floating and rolling over in the water.