Huntsville Stars’ Opening Day

We had a good time at opening day. The weather was nice.

We should arrived earlier, because the place was packed. We couldn’t sit in “The Den” with our buddies. Karen and Katie Beth visited them throughout the game.

Katie Beth got to run the bases at the end of the game, too.

Huntsville Stars won 5 to 4 against the Tennessee Smokies.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Katie Beth is ready for the St. Patrick’s Day parade to start. She has already made some friends. We are standing in front of Karen and my old hang out the Kaffee Klatsch.

The weather is wonderful, but maybe a little too warm.

Burritt Museum

Katie Beth is was wool thread being made. The lady showed us all sorts of neat things about making threads.

The food being cooked the country kitchen smelled just too good.

We even made the walk down to the cross.

Surprise Visit from Hope

Hope called and asked what are we up to? She followed it with can I drop in?

Katie Beth was excited to see her Aunt Hope especially so unexpectedly.

Hope dropped into town just for a long weekend. I wish we could have visited more.

Pajamas and Pancakes

Katie Beth’s school, Asbury School, is having a Pajamas and Pancakes day. All the children get to wear pajamas to school and they are having pancakes for lunch.

Katie Beth is very excited about the day and has been looking forward to it.

The picture is of her as she arrived for school this morning in pajamas and with the milk for the class lunch.

Huntsville Hockey Club

Katie Beth and I finally had a chance to go see the Huntsville Hockey Club play. Katie Beth had fun cheering for the players.

If you are looking for some fun, the Huntsville Hockey Club plays Tuesday at 7 PM in the VBCC area. There is free parking in the south parking garage and just enter in the lower south entrance of the arena.

Hiking on Rainbow Mountain

The weather is wonderful today with the temperature at 61°F. The wind is blowing up the side of Rainbow Mountain.

The hiking is great. We are seeing a lot of hikers and friendly dogs.

We are climbing all over the rocks and a fallen tree.