Celebrating Karen’s ½ Birthday

Karen had a wonderful time day celebrating her ½ birthday. She didn’t even expect the party.

Peggy Ann’s Baker did wonderful with the cake and it saved me one more thing that I would have to hide from Karen.

Karen is relaxing right now.

The house is clean. The dishes are put away. The laundry is cleaned and away. Now, I’m sitting down for a bit myself.

Katie Beth Turned 5

Pirate Birthday CakeTime is flying by quickly. Katie Beth turned 5 today. We had the family in town this past weekend to celebrate and this next weekend we will have some of Katie Beth friends over to celebrate some more.

Katie Beth’s First Swim Meet

What a day it has been. We kept talking to Katie Beth to explain what a swim meet is like with all the people, activities, noise, and more.

I had volunteered to help with parking. Well, there is nothing like trying direct over 100 car where to park by yourself, because none of the other volunteers showed up. If you didn’t know, it doesn’t work.

Katie Beth loved all of the excitement of the swim team. The team decorated her with slogans typical to swim meet like “eat my bubbles”, etc.

She had two events including a relay were she swam up in the 8 & under. She didn’t want to dive into the pool due to hurting her toe just before the event.

Mother’s Day

Karen enjoyed her Mother’s Day.

Katie Beth made Karen a stepping stone with a hand print decorated with stars and moons. Katie Beth painted a card for her grandmother and mother with flowers on the front and all sorts of things on the inside.

In school, Katie Beth made Karen a card in Spanish class. In religious education class at church, Katie Beth made Karen a card with a mesh bath sponge as the head of a flower on the card. It has very cute. Godmomma Allison even took Katie Beth shopping for a card for Karen. So, Karen received a lot of cards this year.

We had my parent’s over for lunch and Katie Beth had fun giving grandmother and Karen their cards. She explained all of the drawings to them.

I had been worried about making Karen’s day just right. She said it had been wonderful at the end of the day.