I have signed up to surf at Typhoon Lagoon during our upcoming vacation. It should be a blast.
I have windsurfed and waterskiied so I think it should a breeze to surf. I don't know if I will do as good as this guy.
What's happening in my world…
I have signed up to surf at Typhoon Lagoon during our upcoming vacation. It should be a blast.
I have windsurfed and waterskiied so I think it should a breeze to surf. I don't know if I will do as good as this guy.
If you are looking for a great gift idea, I suggest you take a look at the iPod Nano
This iPod is the smallest model with a screen. It plays all your music and its color screen allows you to flip through your digital pictures.
iLounge was a great review here. Also, you need to checkout iLounge’s free iPod book.
The iPod Nano is the must have item for back to school.
Karen and I had great time at Oktoberfest tonight. The band ended up joining us at our table after their last set. David, Jason, Michael, and Jeff wanted to go out so we suggested they meet us downtown. Terry had to get up early so he declined.
We took them to Humphreys for dinner and then we kicked back outside at the Kaffee Klatsch. We are looking forward to next year’s Oktoberfest.
Karen and I had good selection of Paulaner beer at Redstone MWR's Oktoberfest this year. This year selection was limited to Coors, Becks and Paulaner. Karen and I only sampled the Paulaner beers.
The Paulaner selection included Hefeweizen, Oktoberfest (so course), Salvator, and Premium Pils.
The Premium Pils was a full body pilsner.
The Hefe-Weizen was a cross between a Germany Pilsner and Hefeweizen. It was not too fruity and more lingering in the back of the mouth like a lager. Heavier than a typical Hefeweizen.
The Oktoberfest was malty with very little hop tones. Sweet aroma the prepares the mouth for the sweet maltiness. Similar to the a honey brown, but lighter sweetness and malt.
The Salvator was very malty as a dopple bock should be. It was not dark. Its taste clings to the palate.
Karen and I headed to the art show this weekend. This year’s show primarily featured painting and bead work. We saw Noah and Eddy House from my old neighborhood, too. Noah had some cool art. Here is a sample of our pictures:
This booth was full of beautiful stain glass which would look good outdoors in a garden.
This lady does small frame art of paper and metal with hearts as the theme.
This artist was very free spirited.
This artist had a great idea of painting cards to look like postcards that had been mailed.
You can see more of the Art Show here.
Karen and I went to Oktober last night. We had a blast. Terry Cavanagh & the Alpine Express put on a great show for all.
We will going again Sunday, but I have decided to pickup some polka’s from iTunes to make it complete on our ride there. I didn’t find Terry Cavanagh & the Alpine Express on iTunes. But, a good selection of polkas can be had on Walter Legawiec & His Polka Kings Album. Hope to see you there.
Well, I haven't had a chance to get back to reading “Dr. Nightingale Seeks Greener Pastures” by Lydia Adamson. I have been too busy, but I will get back to it soon.
Redstone Morale, Welfare & Recreation (MWR) organization's annual Oktoberfest is September 15th through the 18th. Terry Cavanagh & the Alpine Express will be providing all the music. Terry's band is a must have for any Oktoberfest.
Each year the MWR goes to great length to make this a great festival. They import 5 to 7 draft beers directly from Germany. The food includes carnival foods and food provided by Soldatenstube restaurant including Schnitzel, Brotchen, and a varity of German Wursts. And, free carnival rides are provided.
Karen and I have started the day with a bike ride in search of breakfast. We found “The Tin Roof Bistro” which serves breakfast from 7 AM to 2 PM. And, it has a balcony with a view of the Tennessee River and Walnut Street Bridge. Karen ate her favorite breakfast of grits, but she went up a notch and added a bowl of fruit. I had the waffles with mint butter.
Now with carbo-loading done, we headed back to the festival area to check on setup progress. We talked with Mary Kilbride who we were told is in charge. Mary gave us the low down and we were able to pass along some of our ideas for how to improve the festival. This year the festival has a VIP section which provides free food and beer along with special seating over the river.
Karen and I arrived for the Southern Brewers Festival early on Friday after spending way to many hours at Unclaimed Baggage located in Scottsboro, Alabama. (We now have another digital camera and more.) We decided to ride around town and enjoy the scenery including a ride by the festival area. This year the festival is at the Tennessee River edge.
We ended up at Big River Grille & Brewing eating the Classic Combo which has great. The Classic Combo is made up of Jalapeño Spinach Cheese Dip with Chips, Buffalo Wings, and Chicken Springs Rolls. Karen had the Sweat Magnolia Brown Ale and I had the seasonal Summer Wheat. The brown ale won the 1998 Gold at the Great American Beer Festival. She describe the brown as not too nutty, but balanced with chocolate tones in the finish. The beer’s head was nice, but quickly dissipated. The beer had a medium body and little aromatic. The wheat beer has lightly fruity with a good mouth feel. The beer was rich for a wheat, but it was still very balanced. Its taste was very similar to Pyramid Brewing’s Hefeweizen Beers, which is one of best hefeweizen.
Later for dinner, we headed to Mellow Mushroom for pizza and beer. Karen and I love pizza and Mellow Mushroom is one of the best around. They are also known for having a large beer selection and this location was no exception. We had a nice variety with Spaten Munich, Whittekerke, Falls City, and Monty Python’s Holy Grail Ale.