Karen’s Birthday is Today!!!

Karen's BirthdayWell, Karen click off another year. She looks great. Karen’s brother Paul called this morning to tease her. He acted like he tought she turned 51 today instead of 41.

We will be having the family over today to celebrate. My sister is in town with her family for the Holidays so she should be joining us, too.

Karen wants to have hot wings and cold beer for her birthday dinner. It is simple, but great!

I have sent flowers to her office to brighten her day. I have heard that her office mates all signed a card and Gabby gave her gift at work, too.

I hope she enjoys her gift from me. I have a backup gift arriving today in the mail, but I don’t want to rely on the backup gift.

Ronning Pre-Christmas Get Together

The whole Ronning family will be desending on our house this weekend for the big Pre-Christmas dinner.

We look forward to it every year.

Normally, we pickup a Turducken from Tim's Cajun Kitchen. But, something went wrong with our planning and Tim's doesn't have any more Turduckens so Karen and I will be making it from scratch which should be a blast. The real question is do we have time. The our butcher at Publix is good to save us some time by handling the de-boning.

The time crunch comes from the fact that my mother's birthday is the day before.

Huntsville's First Brew Pub Is Coming

I talked with Don Alan Hankins of Olde Towne Brewing Co. last night and he indicated that their are going to open a brew pub.

Technically, the pub will not be Olde Towne Brewing Co., because Alabama Laws prevent a brewery from servering beer and brew pub can only sell on-premise.

Don Alan indicated they had purchased the building and have started ordering equipment.

Wow! Great Singer that Diana Krall

I just got done listening to Diana Krall's Jingle Bells which is the free download on iTunes, presently. She was got a voice that won't stop! Wow!

I'm heading straight to iTunes and purchasing her new album entitled “Christmas Songs“. If your not a fan of iTunes, you can find the Diana Krall's Christmas Song at Amazon, too. And, I suggest that you do the same. The Clayton/Hamilton Jazz Orchestra provides great backup on many of the songs. Her voice will bring back memories of yesterdays classic singers of Christmas songs.

Diana Krall will be apart of my Christmas' must have holiday music.


Disney Vacation Club

Karen and I have taken the big step and joined the Disney Vacation Club. We are very excited and already thinking about future vacations.

We have hopes that we will be able to have family and friend join us on our trip. We have purchased an interest large enough that we can make a large ten day trip or two 5 day trips.

In the past, we have already taken Karen's niece's daugther Destanie. She had a blast.

If you have interest in joining Disney Vacation Club, you can use my name and receive the big discount on joining. The discount is something around 15% presently.

Kegged Last Night

Karen and I kegged our bock beer last night. We still have one beer working. And, I expect that we will be kegging it this weekend. But, the beer is still going strong.

We still have not found all of our Mini Kegs, but they should turn up some day.

Getting Close to Kegging Day!

Our beers have been working nicely for some time now. We have one that has all, but stopped so that means only one thing.

Time to keg that beer!

I would be kegging it today, but I determined that I was out of CO2. (You need to fill the keg with CO2 prior to filling in order to remove the air.)

Normally, I keg my beer in soda kegs. This time, I had wanted to use Fass Frisch Mini Kegs which hold about 1 1/3 gallons. I received these as a gift years ago from my mother, but I have never used them. I am missing the bung which seals the keg. I may have to switch back to using my soda kegs, but I want to try these mini kegs so that I could take keg to parties. “Have beer will travel” has always been my idea planning ahead.