Hiking in the Huntsville Land Trust in the N&S Section

Partial  map of the Huntsville Land Trust trails with our hike hi-lighted.

Karen and I got out and did some hiking today.  The weather was great with the temperature around 74º.

If you haven’t hiked the Land Trust trails, you are missing out on some great trails.  The trails are primarily located on Monte Sano Mountain in Huntsville, Alabama, but there are others located throughout Madison County and north Alabama.  The Land Trust has over 3,400 acres of land.  The trails include many levels of difficult from easy on up.

We hiked all over the area between the Land Trust Parking lot and Cleermont Drive.  I highlighted our hike on the map.  It is a beautiful area with a creek running between the Fagan Spring Trail and Wildflower Trail.  We found a lot of wild life on the hike.  I saw a large black snake that was over three foot in length, but it move to quickly for Karen to catch up and see it.  Soon after the first snake, we saw smaller two foot long black snake similar to the first.  The snake did not move.  I guess warm of the sun was to good to leave.  The under growth was jumping with life, too.  We saw chipmunks, squirrels, and lizards frequently.  Karen spotted a pool of tadpoles.  They were too young to see any legs or arms.

If you are interested in hiking the area, I have provided a link here to the trails in PDF format.

Cinco de Mayo

Mexican FlagKaren and I headed out after work today to celebrate Cinco de Mayo at Bandito Burrito.

If you don't know about Cinco de Mayo, I can give you a quick answer. From Wikipedia, “Cinco de Mayo (“The Fifth of May” in Spanish) is a national celebration in Mexico and widely celebrated in many parts of the United States. It commemorates the victory of Mexican forces led by General Ignacio Zaragoza over the French expeditionary forces in the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. It is a common misconception that Cinco de Mayo is Mexico's Independence Day.” To learn more, I would suggest reading here.

I had a blast today and even collected some swag. Karen got a cool Dos Equis XX t-shirt which she proceeded to put on, because she was getting cold. While, I got a Corona hugger to keep my beers cold.

To crank up the fun at work, I hung a piñata in the my lab. and I had Mexican music playing all morning backed up by a mix of salsa.

Selling Blueberry iBook on eBay

Karen and I have put her original iBook up for sell on eBay.

If you are looking, I should you click over to eBay to take a look at it.

It works great, but the battery doesn't hold a charge. (But, you can buy a new battery for it.) We have included all the original equipment plus we have a matching blueberry carrying case and airplane power adapter.

The power adapter works in cars, too.

Garmin GPSMAP 60cs is SOLD!

Well, the bidding got exciting today as the auction came to a close on our Garmin GPSMAP 60cs. During the last twenty minutes, the price ran up another $40 to close at $305 excluding shipping.

I had only expected a closing price around $275. So, this all goes to lower the cost of our new GPS which is on already being shipped as I type this entry.

I am looking forward to trying out the new GPS which is a Garmin GPSMAP 60csx.

Date Set for Southern Brewer's Festival

Joy Johnson of Gordon Biersch Brewery dropped me a line the other day to let me know that they had selected a date for these year's festival.

They have moved the festival back to the Saturday prior to the Labor Day weekend. The festival falls on August 26th, 2006.

Last year, the festival had been move down to the edge of the Tennessee River at Ross's Landing Park. Joy indicated that they are going to use the same location this year.

Selling my Garmin GPSMAP 60cs

Garmin GPSMAP 60csWell, Karen and I are upgrading our GPS Unit to the Garmin GPSMap 60CSx Handheld GPS. This GPS can hold MicroSD Cards so that you can load more maps into the GPS. We travel frequently and we take our GPS with us. Our current GPS is can only hold about 56MBs worth of maps. So, we have to load and unload maps.

So, we have put our old GPS on eBay for sale. If you are looking for a GPS, you can bid on our Garmin GPSMAP 60cs.

Testing Out AIM Presence

I am thinking about added my AOL IM status to my web site.

This icon gives some idea as to if I am online.

Brian Allen

You can click it and it will open your AIM client and start a chat session with me.

Opening Day at Huntsville Stars Baseball

Huntsville StarsKaren and I have waiting almost nine months for baseball to return in to Huntsville. Opening day for home play is tomorrow and we can’t wait to head to the game. The Huntsville Stars take on the Birmingham Barons.

Tonight, we even discussed what kind of ballpark food we would eat for dinner tomorrow. Karen still wishes they had the Chick-Fil-A sandwich served at the games, but I am firm believer that hotdogs or the like is the only baseball food. We both know that draft beer is the drink of choice at a ball game.

My Brother's Business

Well, I helped my brother setup a simple web site. You can check it out here: www.usaSchoolsRus.com.

It is a very simple site. I need to get him to improve it, but it is a start.

My brother runs a fundraising business that school organizations use to raise money. His business produces discount cards.

Tracy Carreon's "A Moment's Peace"

Tracy Carreon
Tracy Carreon's “A Moment's Peace”

“A Moment’s Peace… It can be so difficult to find these days. Yet, taking time to slow down and replenish our energy is essential for health and well-being. If you desire to reduce stress, create balance, and connect with a greater sense of peace, wisdom and joy, this beautiful audio is a gift you give to yourself. Here are the essentials for creating a personal stress reduction practice, with three powerful visualizations that invite you into a restful, centered state. Enter, and be deeply renewed. Return, and find yourself ready to fully embrace life… and all of its moments.” © Amazon.com

This a great relaxation CD.