50% Off Sale @ Kid’s Market

I’m waiting out front of Kid’s Market so I can shop the 50% off sale. I’m looking forward to it. I think I have scoped out some good items. I’m presently sizing up the other shoppers. I think I can take them. There are very few.

I hope Karen likes what I get tonight. She always does.



Fingerpaints!Katie Beth had a blast fingerpainting. She didn’t want to wait for me to replace the paper and she didn’t understand that the paper was the surface to be painted. She keep wanting to paint the plates which were acting as her paint palettes.

The painting came to an end after her dirty hands got to her. (She does like her hands too dirty.) I managed to get her clean without getting paint on anything else in the house.

More pictures will me online here www.katiebeth.info/

The Ladies are Working

The Ladies are WorkingKaren is researching a new HVAC system for the downstairs, because our unit failed. Thankfully, it is warm outside this week.

Katie Beth is playing with a new Crayola set, which is huge. She received it last night from my parents. They won it during the Silent Auction this past weekend.

The Crayola sets includes paints, PlayDoh, an easel, computer draw system, all kinds of crayons, and much, much more.

Katie Beth wants to be next to her mother while she was “working”.

Out Walking

Out WalkingI don’t know the theme of the day, but Katie Beth was having a great time out picking everyone’s dandelions. Her hands were yellow from holding them so tight.